What is your Strategic HR Professional USC?

Feb 24, 2020

Most of the HR professionals that I work with are very busy, they have busy days with long lists of tasks to accomplish, to which are added daily renewed emergencies. Does that sound familiar? In this context, we address the first file that lands on our desk without question and we dive into operations. But is it in this operational whirlwind...

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What is your executive committeeā€™s USC?

Feb 20, 2020

What is your role in the organization as a steering committee? What is your vision? Have you taken the time to think about it? During my experiences as a coach, I realized that executive committees are often either very strategic or very operational, depending on their context. Which side are you on? Do you think you work at the right...

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Why is it important to define your USC as a new manager?

Feb 20, 2020

Are you currently transitioning from a professional to a management position? Or have you recently experienced this type of transition? Have you reviewed your Unique Strategic Contribution (USC)? Unsurprisingly, taking on a new management role requires several adjustments in terms of your priorities to focus your attention on and your state...

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What is your Unique Strategic Contribution?

Feb 12, 2020

Through my many coachings and management experiences, I have come to develop what I call the Unique Strategic Contribution to help leaders focus on the impact they want to create. In fact, through my experiences, I have come to realize that many leaders experience the same struggle, that is to say...

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What is the leadership style of a good manager?

Feb 11, 2020

What leadership style do you think makes you a better manager? I hear some people say it's the coach leadership style, others say it's the visionary or the democratic. In fact, you're all somewhat right, but you don't have the right answer! It is by using several leadership styles, alternately according to the context, that you become a better...

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How can social styles help you avoid communication issues?

Oct 07, 2019

Do you ever have communication issues with some of your team members and wonder why? Do certain individuals misunderstand your message? Or do your communications sometimes fail to achieve the desired results? Do some individuals feel they are missing information after you’ve communicated it to them?  You may not share the same social...

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How to convince a manager that he must manage changeā€Æ

Jul 22, 2019

Despite all the knowledge, experience and skills we can have in change management as an HR professional, what makes the difference is the manager’s leadership with employees who are experiencing said change. As HR professionals, we must primarily focus our efforts on what follows. Our role is to help...

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3 tips for managing a difficult employee

Jun 25, 2019

As a manager, would you like your team to always demonstrate a collaborative behavior? I imagine so. Is that the case? Perhaps not all the time, as the reality of organizations brings its share of daily challenges, which sometimes causes some employees to behave in ways not only harmful to the team, but also to the work environment. Have you...

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5 things to invest your time on your business

Apr 25, 2019

Take the 5-minute test

  1. I often start my day with the sense of being an e-mail manager.
  2. I spend most of my time reacting to demands.
  3. My work activities are focused on addressing short term problems.
  4. I often feel like I am firefighting and doing crisis management.
  5. I rarely take time to plan for the month, even less so, the quarter or year to...
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Why is perfection the lowest expectation you could have for yourself?

Mar 21, 2019

Because it does not exist!

We have been raised in a way that makes us feel good to think that we should aim for perfection! Because it makes us type A people! Achievers! But being an ‘achiever’ doesn’t necessarily mean you are aiming for the right goal and/or that you are fulfilled by achieving your goals. Moreover,...

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