Self-assessment: What is your leadership style?

Sep 21, 2020

We all have our natural leadership style, which we like to look back on and feel comfortable with - when we are stressed and out of instinct. If we are not mindful of the demands of the circumstances and the people with whom we collaborate, we will be stuck in our own natural style, which may or may not be suitable.

Leaders who express styles...

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Audio exercise: What keeps you from entering the arena, from being vulnerable?

May 01, 2020

The Arena exercise is frequently used in our coaching sessions when accompanying a team, to make each member aware of how they act when they are at their best. By conducting the exercise, we allow the team to explore new perspectives and challenge themselves. 

In the Arena you : 

  • Are at your best
  • Are available, present, open
  • Dare to...
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