How to convince a manager that he must manage change 

Despite all the knowledge, experience and skills we can have in change management as an HR professional, what makes the difference is the manager’s leadership with employees who are experiencing said change. As HR professionals, we must primarily focus our efforts on what follows. Our role is to help the manager realize the impact of his leadership on the success of change by convincing him of his responsibility to manage change. 

A quantifiable impact 

Managers love facts and data; and hence I like presenting the results of the Korn Ferry studies to the manager. Works every time! According to the results of the studies, up to 70% of the work climate is influenced by the manager’s leadership. 70%! And I think we all agree that in times of change, the work climate is of paramount importance to ensure successful change management. 

Here is a recap of the 6 dimensions of the work climate, which all get impacted during change. Indeed, the employees need: 

  1. Clarity as the objective to be achieved and the direction to take 
  1. Recognition for their efforts 
  1. Flexibility as to how to incorporate changes 
  1. Responsibility to feel that they are part of this change 
  1. Standards to understand the expectations towards them in times of change 
  1. Team spirit to support them through this transition period. 


A long-term impact  

With change, managers wish for their employees not to return to their old working habits. Regrettably, it happens more than we’d like. Simply because the impact of change management activities that we do as an HR professional is limited, if the manager’s leadership is not tailored to the needs of employees. In the short term, the activities may have the desired impact, but in the long run it is the leadership of the manager that will make the difference.  


So, what will you do now the next time your client tells you, You are the Change Management Expert, I am relying on you to change the employees behaviors 

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