How to be part of the Empower Your Team Movement?

Apr 19, 2021

Every time I ask a team leader, whether they’re an executive or a front line manager: “Of all the questions and decisions that are asked by your team, what percentage of these could be directly answered by another team member?” I never get an answer below 50% - meaning that 1 in 2 questions that can, and should, be answered by...

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Two avenues to help you deal with managing remotly

Apr 14, 2021

For many months now, I've been noticing that the pandemic and working from home has been weighing on managers. For many, workflow seems to have accelerated and managing tasks, at a distance, brings a baggage of obstacles and questions: how do I adapt my managerial position while working remotely, how do I build team spirit, how do I vivify team...

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Podcast season 1 - E13 - Staying on track for success with Nicolas Gaudreau

Dec 09, 2020

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Winning as a team is one thing, but how do we make sure we all stay on the road to success? With a clear vision, precise objectives and a well-thought-out...

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How to stay on track forā€Æsuccess?ā€Æ

Dec 07, 2020

Setting a team contract isessentialtokeeping our vision and success on track. It strengthens our willingness to work well together, it provides purpose and behaviouralguidelines, it defineswhat is acceptable and what is not, what is success and how it is measured. In other words, itestablishesthe rules for workingeffectively together as a team...

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Podcast : Episode 12 - The power of Mindfulness with Lisa Stedel-Smith

Dec 02, 2020

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What allows us as managers to be truly present, to be mindful and to set our ego aside? How does mindfulness have an impact on our team? Find out through our...

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How can you operate in mindfulness rather than from your ego?

Nov 27, 2020

This pandemic has had clear benefits despite its very present hardships; with the world being in on it together. One of the advantages is that our personal and business personalities are better aligned. I have seen less showing up (ego) personalities emerge and more people being there (presence). I believe this is one of the reasons people were...

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Podcast : Episode 11 - Recognizing the strengths of women in leadership with Caroline Codsi

Nov 27, 2020

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As a manager, how can you support the leadership development of women in your team? This is the question that any high level manager or executive committee should be asking!...

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How can you, as an ambitious woman, develop your leadership?

Nov 23, 2020

A topic precious to my heart, as a woman, as a leader, as a manager, as an entrepreneur, as a board member and as a mother. It has been a long time since I created the program, Women in the lead, to give women a safe space to reflect on where they wanted to go, their next level in their career, in terms of recognition, promotion, specific files,...

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How can you continue developing your leadership skills in a context of uncertainty?

Nov 20, 2020

I recently interviewed Manon Brouillette, former president of Videotron, who said that the more you progress in leadership roles, the more you become a HR manager. As president, 80% of her time was devoted to her role as a human resources manager. However, when becoming leaders, many of us  not trained for this role. We are often experts in...

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Podcast : Episode 10 - The strongest team climates start with a leader-coach approach with Sara Leclerc

Nov 20, 2020

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How would you describe the climate within your team? Is it beneficial to everyone's 

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