When is stacking enough? And what to do to get unstacked?

Jan 24, 2022

By Cloé Caron, PCC, certified coach

After 2 years adapting to this pandemic, stacking one emotional/professional/personal adjustment after another, you thought you were coming back physically to the office in January… You imagined face-to-face meetings, lively lunches and conversations in the doorway… In other...

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A story of deeper connection and growth to get unstacked

Jan 18, 2022

By Cloé Caron, PCC, certified coach

I wrote this blog at the beginning of January. Usually, I write it in December - either right before or right after Christmas with the smell of cinnamon still in the air and the fire cracking. This year, I did not – I could not. I needed to take a break altogether - to rest and give myself space,...

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Podcast season 3 - Stephen Josephs

Dec 10, 2021
o2Coaching ENG
Podcast season 3 - Stephen Josephs

Goodbye ego! How can you be a catalyst in your organization?

(episode available in English)



If executive coaching is recognized today by all organizations, it is thanks to pioneers like Stephen Josephs. Author, coach and meditator, he is also a model who influenced Cloé in her own practice. Adept of oriental...

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My Year-End Review

Dec 10, 2021

By Cloé Caron, PCC, certified coach

As the holiday season approaches, I've been looking back on 2021, as I do every year. And I realized how far I've come, how many twists and turns I've faced, how much adaptation and resilience we've shown, and how much of my life mission is taking shape day by day, year by year. This exercise nourishes...

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Podcast season 3 - Fady Dagher

Dec 03, 2021
o2Coaching ENG
Podcast season 3 - Fady Dagher

Transforming the police : mission impossible?

(episode available in French)



Does participative leadership have a place in the police force? Yes, in some cases. Fady Dagher is on a crusade for his patrollers to improve their relationship with citizens. Speaking at Confessions of Leaders, he tells how his childhood in Ivory Coast,...

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Podcast season 3 - MĂ©lanie Bernier

Nov 26, 2021
o2Coaching ENG
Podcast season 3 - MĂ©lanie Bernier

Feedback : growing while staying authentic

(episode available in English)



How can you give feedback while remaining honest and benevolent as a leader? Cloé Caron discusses the issue with Mélanie Bernier, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at PSP Investments. With Cloé’s cooperation,...

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Podcast season 3 - Special Episode - Mélanie Ghanimé

Nov 23, 2021

Confessions of Leaders : Leadership

(Hosted by : Mélanie Ghanimé | Guest : Cloé Caron)

(episode available in FRENCH)

 Listen this episode on YouTube : https://youtu.be/LMsXtf30SN8


Special episode | Cloé Caron meets the comedian Mélanie Ghanimé, who is interested in everything...

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Does your organization allow its managers to evolve?

Nov 22, 2021

By Anik Desjardins, Certified Coach, ACC, CHRP


We all know that the leadership of our managers has a direct impact on the work climate, engagement, loyalty, innovation, and on organizations' performance. For almost two years now, we have been adapting to the technical aspects of teleworking, Teams meetings, remote follow-ups, etc....

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Podcast season 3 - Marie Hélène Cloutier

Nov 19, 2021
o2Coaching ENG
Podcast season 3 - Marie Hélène Cloutier

Staying focused on your ambitions

(episode available in French)



Young leaders are facing many challenges as they are progressing and proving their worth in the workplace. At only 38 years old, Marie Hélène Cloutier became Executive Director - Customer Experience for exo, the organization operating commuter...

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Podcast season 3 - Luc Tremblay

Nov 12, 2021
o2Coaching ENG
Podcast season 3 - Luc Tremblay

STM, a human movement

(episode available in French)



"People who care" is how Luc Tremblay, General Manager of the Société de Transport de Montréal, describes the thousands of employees who have held down the fort during the COVID-19 pandemic. The senior leader looks back at this unprecedented crisis and how...

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