Podcast season 1 - E13 - Staying on track for success with Nicolas Gaudreau

podcasts Dec 09, 2020

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Winning as a team is one thing, but how do we make sure we all stay on the road to success? With a clear vision, precise objectives and a well-thought-out execution plan, according to Nicolas Gaudreau, our guest this week. Listen to this episode to learn more about his vision for staying on the road to success through the challenges ahead.

Special Guest 

Nicolas Gaudreau is an experienced leader in marketing strategies. He is a member of multiple boards of directors and has held positions as chief marketing officer, 
corporate director and professor. He is recognized for his contribution to the development of the online media industry in Canada.  

Click here for more details on his professional background.   

 Related article 

Discover more about this topic in our latest blog article How to stay on track forā€Æsuccess?

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