
Online Training Program

Empower your Team

From the book Empower Your Team, the program is i focused on developping leadership and coaching skills. Join the hundreds of leaders who have chosen to change their mindset in order to advance their team and their organization.  


Are you looking for corporate training? ā€ÆClick here

This program is for me if:

I am a leader, manager, team leader, HR professional or caring professional who needs more clarity to identify how to develop my leadership posture to play at the highest strategic level to develop my career and team.

What I will learn :

Before I can become a good manager for others - for my team - I need to be a good manager of myself. I will therefore be asked to identify my Unique Strategic Contribution (USC), which is what only I need to accomplish and which is my highest strategic level. I will also be equipped to identify my blind spots, my automatisms that I have as a manager in order to better adapt to my team and collaborators.

What I will do with this learning:

At the end of the workshop, I will be aligned with the right strategic level that I must play in my role and I will be able to manage with the right mindset. It will be easier to say no to what doesn't fit into my CSU. I will leave with the right questions to ask myself on a daily basis to make sure I always play the game at the right level. I will be more aware of my posture and the impact it has on my team and will be able to more easily identify the behaviours that need to be changed to achieve my goals.

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« Today, thanks to the tools provided by Cloé, I am recognized as a key leader within my organization and I am entrusted with the training of other managers. I can say that coaching has definitely been a central tool in my development and confidence. In fact, I think I would probably not be at the same level in my career if I had not used Cloé's services. »

- Brigitte Samson, sales and market development director at Energir


Are you a human resources professional?

We have designed a specific career path for HR professionals.

Contact us

Individual journey

Our training is flexible and scalable and combines different learning strategies to create the necessary sustainable change for each individual and each team. Discover our different plans

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Mastermind Group

Our three (3) 90-minute mastermind groups - led by Cloé Caron, PCC coach - allow you to benefit from the experience of other participants and maximize your development as a leader. For an optimal client experience, our groups are made up of of 20 participants at most.


Online training

Our training program is available on our online platform. There are 3 modules, each allowing you to learn, understand and act as a strategic leader-coach, according to different levels of development (Leading oneself, Leading others and Leading a team).ā€Æ Taking advantage of micro learning - an innovative and flexible learning mode - our online program allows you to deepen your development through different modes, such as video capsules, readings, exercises and self-assessments.

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Individual coaching sessions with one of our certified coaches

Individual coaching sessions are performance accelerators. They will facilitate the identification of behavioural changes and the actions you need to take to increase your impact. 


A program certificate

After completing the program you will receive your Certificate of Completion by email as a downloadable PDF.


Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget. You will always be able to add options to your journey (individual coaching, mastermind, etc.).


Start in January 2021

  • 3 months of unlimited access to our learning platform
  • The book in digital format
  • A training certificate
Subscribe me


Start in January 2021

  • 3 hours of individual coaching
  • 3 month of unlimited access to our learning platform
  • The book in digital format
  • A training certificate
Subscribe me


Start in January 2021

  • 3 masterminds in virtual classrooms
  • 3 months of unlimited access to our learning platform
  • The book in digital format
  • A training certificate
Subscribe me


Start in January 2021

  • 3 masterminds in virtual classrooms
  • 3 hours of individual coaching
  • 3 months of unlimited access to our learning platform
  • The book in digital format
  • A training certificate
I am all in

Are you looking for a training program for your team? Click here

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Practical tools

«The process allowed me to acquire the necessary tools to be able to coach myself. So today, it's a bit as if I now have my own coach inside me at all times.ā€Æ »

-Shireen Khaliq, Director, Medical Affairs - Vaccins 

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Tangible results

« In addition to presence, expertise and impact, Cloé quickly brings us into a space where the results are tangible! I've done private coaching sessions as well as workshops and I've seen her at conferences; and she's as good with one person at a time as she is with hundreds!  »

-Ina Stefanova, Brand Manager

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Got your guide ?

Upon registration, we will give you a copy of the guide. If you choose to purchase the book now, you will receive a discount coupon for the value of the guide, to be applied when you are ready to purchase your program. So there's no reason why you shouldn't become the leader your team needs right now. 

Buy now (CAD22.87)
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Let's collaborate

Be among the leaders who choose to change their mindset in order to create the necessary change.

Winter 2021

Here is the schedule of mastermind groups for the winter session: Thursdays, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.  

Do you have any questions? Write to [email protected]

I want to join a cohort

Unable to register for the program?

It's no problem. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our free tools directly in your mailbox.

Ce programme est pour moi si

À titre de gestionnaire ou responsable d'une équipe, vous vous êtes demandé si vous atteingez les bons objectifs - ceux qui feront vraiment la différence. Si vous avez parfois l’impression de ne pas être assez stratégique. Si ....

Ce que je vais apprendre

Pour nous, il n’y a aucun doute, les leaders qui ont du succès s'appuient sur leur équipe afin de la faire avancer - en prenant conscience de leur influence ( leader de soi), en encourgeant les autres à se dépasser (leader des autres) et en mobilisent leurs équipes vers des objectifs communs (leader d'une équipe). En ciblant les 3 niveaux clés de notre démarche de développement des gestionnaires, vous allez travaillez sur les petits changements qui font toute la différence afin de propulser l’efficacité de votre équipe!

Ce que je vais faire de ces apprentissages

Grâce à propulsez votre équipe, vous allez non seulement être en mesure de leader votre équipe avec le bon état d'esprits, vous allez avoir tout les outils à votre disposition être le leader dont votre équipe a besoin.

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«Par son approche, Propulsez votre équipe m'a permis de développer ma posture de coach auprès de mon équipe, qui est maintenant plus engageĢe dans l’atteinte de nos objectifs. J’ai compris l’importance de laisser l’opportuniteĢ aĢ€ mon eĢquipe de pouvoir trouver les reĢponses par eux- meĢ‚mes, notamment en leur posant les bonnes questions. »

Gustavo Verdier, Agent de liaison meĢdicale et scientifique chez Viiv Healthcare Canada