Do you want to create more time and productivity?

May 25, 2021

Time is money as goes the saying. Our time is valuable! In this age of multi social media, where we type, talk, watch and think at once, quality time truly is the most valuable commodity. How often do you stop and think? I mean, really think? How important is it to give ourselves time to think?

Many studies demonstrate the importance of putting...

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How to stay on track forā€Æsuccess?ā€Æ

Dec 07, 2020

Setting a team contract isessentialtokeeping our vision and success on track. It strengthens our willingness to work well together, it provides purpose and behaviouralguidelines, it defineswhat is acceptable and what is not, what is success and how it is measured. In other words, itestablishesthe rules for workingeffectively together as a team...

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How can you operate in mindfulness rather than from your ego?

Nov 27, 2020

This pandemic has had clear benefits despite its very present hardships; with the world being in on it together. One of the advantages is that our personal and business personalities are better aligned. I have seen less showing up (ego) personalities emerge and more people being there (presence). I believe this is one of the reasons people were...

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What is the optimal recipe for leadership?

Oct 30, 2020

What if there was a recipe for your leadership approach? Many leaders rely on instinct to lead their team and as much as many of them accomplish a lot that way, we also fall short on the optimal positive impact we could have on our team, organization and ultimately, our clients. Awareness of the impact that each leadership approach can have,...

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How can you be at your best-self?

Oct 23, 2020

We may think we are successful because we work hard and we are deeply invested in our work.We think we are successful for ‘WHAT’ we accomplish.However, success and“our best-self”implies that‘’HOW’’ we do things is just ascritical astheWHAT we accomplish. As a leader,“being your best...

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How to empower your team?

Sep 14, 2020

Every day, as a coach, I have the great privilege of helping managers and teams improve their performance and dynamics. I am often askedHow can I empower my team? How can I make my employees more proactive, accountable, innovative and agile? In my experience, what really helps leaders have the...

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Leadership involves managing change ā€“ how good are you at it?

Jun 23, 2020

Leadership involves changing and knowing how to manage change with your team in order to instate a culture of accountability and innovation. However, no one is naturally inclined to change, as change means accepting loss of control, trusting the unknown, being vulnerable, facing one's fears. Real change can hardly take place without a modicum of...

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What does fear have to do with leadership and managing a team?

Apr 27, 2020

To say we are living in uncertain times is a massive understatement. Every day, we feed ourselves with the news and we worry more and more and we let the fear get the best of us. We are scared of the economy, we are scared of not being in control, and now we are even scared of each other. 

Don’t get me wrong, fear...

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What is your executive committeeā€™s USC?

Feb 20, 2020

What is your role in the organization as a steering committee? What is your vision? Have you taken the time to think about it? During my experiences as a coach, I realized that executive committees are often either very strategic or very operational, depending on their context. Which side are you on? Do you think you work at the right...

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What is your Unique Strategic Contribution?

Feb 12, 2020

Through my many coachings and management experiences, I have come to develop what I call the Unique Strategic Contribution to help leaders focus on the impact they want to create. In fact, through my experiences, I have come to realize that many leaders experience the same struggle, that is to say...

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