Podcast: Episode 4 - Leading with Head, Heart & Guts with FranƧoise E. Lyon

podcasts Oct 08, 2020

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In the traditional leadership model, expertise and knowledge are valued requiring us to use our heads most. However, this model does not fully meet the needs of organizations, especially in today's ever-changing, uncertain and complex environment! So, how do we move to a more current model that enables organizations and teams to achieve their goals? A model that generates mobilization, commitment, involvement and integrates a more interactive vision? We welcome you to discover leading with head, heart and gut! 

Special Guest 

Françoise is a true example of a leader. She is a woman of head, heart and gut. We see it in her communication as much as in her way of recognizing others. Despite her career being in a mainly masculine field she has not fallen into the trap of adopting a "masculine" style of leadership. Rather, she remains very balanced. We wanted to hear from her on how she combines these facets of leadership with head, heart and gut! 

Discover all the details of his career by clicking here

Related article 

Discover more about this topic in our latest blog article Why leading with Head, Heart and Guts will help you and your team innovate and grow?

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